How Pest Control Helps Manage Mosquitoes For Those Who Just Moved To The Country

20 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Rural living is often a big appeal to those who were raised in the city or who are sick of dealing with pollution and over population. However, these areas have unique problems that can make them difficult to handle. One of the big problems is the large number of mosquitoes that are present in rural areas. High-quality pest control may be necessary for those in this situation. Mosquitoes are More Than a Nuisance Read More …

Is It True Bed Bugs Carry Diseases? And Other Important Questions

20 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

They are an all-out nightmare — bed bugs are the pest that no one wants because just the thought of a pest crawling in bed while you sleep to suck your blood is alarming. Take a look at some of the things you may want to know about these bugs if you have them in your home.  Is it true bed bugs carry diseases? Bed bugs are known to carry a parasite that can lead to Chagas disease, which is actually an extremely dangerous disease that is also related to the kissing bug. Read More …

7 Things To Eliminate From Your Bedroom If You’re Battling Bed Bugs

1 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Take a walk through the average bedroom, and it is easy to see why bed bugs prefer to dwell here. In the process of working with a pest control company for proper bed bug treatment, you'll have to do your part to make the space a little less inviting to the creatures that haunt you in the night.  Wall Decor — Yes, bed bugs will make their way into the decor you have on the walls, especially picture frames and anything with tiny crevices. Read More …

Poison Oak, Ivy, And Dandelions, Oh, No!

1 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Spring is here and dandelions are starting to pop up everywhere when it rains. Unwanted weeds are also starting to climb and creep into your landscaping and taking over your lawn. Therefore, you want to get control of these problems before the spring weather gets warmer and they end up being annoying battles that you will be fighting all summer. The following spring weed treatment guide will help you get rid of these unwanted weeds before warmer weather arrives. Read More …

How To Prevent Your Child From Bringing Bed Bugs Home From Summer Camp

30 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Bed bugs thrive in densely populated buildings. After all, there are more people to feed on. One area where they are frequently found is in summer camps. All it takes is for one kid to bring bed bugs from home, and before you know it, the whole camp has them. The problem is that bed bugs at summer camp sometimes go undetected. Kids assume their bites are from mosquitoes or other bugs, which are also common at camp, and so nobody knows there is an outbreak to address. Read More …