Raccoons and Your Property

Raccoons and Your Property

7 February 2024
 Categories: , Blog

In many respects, raccoons are emblematic of the wilderness spirit that can enliven your suburban landscapes. For homeowners and apartment dwellers, the presence of raccoons near your abode can pose a series of subtle yet significant concerns.

The Entryway Encroachment

Raccoons, with their unusual problem-solving ingenuity, can weave their way into the most improbable entry points. From chimney flues and attics to under porches and inside garages, they possess the dexterity to cause considerable damage.

The Health Hazard Aspect

Raccoons can be carriers of various zoonotic diseases, of which rabies is but one. Their proximity to your living spaces heightens the potential for transmission, which is a consideration of great importance given the risk to human health. Their feces, if not properly handled, can also pose the risk of roundworm transmission, especially hazardous to children and those with weakened immune systems.

Property Damage and Raccoon Behavior

Raccoons are not malicious in their interactions; rather, their curiosity, in combination with needing shelter or food, often leads to unintended property damage. This can range from the overturning and rummaging through garbage bins to the potential destruction of insulation, electrical wiring, and ductwork. Moreover, their digging for food can create a mess in lawns and gardens, as well as destabilize structures like porches and decks.

Responsible Engagement

Managing raccoon presence near your property requires a considered, responsible approach that values both the need for wildlife to have habitats and the need for humans to safeguard their homes. A humane, legal, and efficient solution must be at the core of any raccoon management strategy.

Contacting Wildlife Services

Engaging wildlife services or local animal control with experience in raccoon removal is the most direct route for many homeowners. These professionals understand the local laws and ordinances concerning wildlife and can provide a well-informed process that does not unduly harm the animals. They can also give advice on securing your property against future intrusions and ensure any den sites are vacated and, perhaps, closed off.

Long-Term Prevention

After appropriate removal, protective measures should be put in place to dissuade further raccoon visits. This might include reinforcing or closing potential entryways, securing garbage cans, or trimming tree branches that provide access to upper levels of the home.

As the urban sprawl continues to encroach upon the natural world, the interaction between wildlife and humans is increasingly unavoidable and, at times, contentious. While sharing your space is a reality, it is important to recognize the potential problems associated with close raccoon encounters and to ensure you address these issues responsibly.

Learn more about raccoon removal options near you today.